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Altro LLP - Vancouver Professional

2 years ago Services Vancouver   155 views

$ --

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Location: Vancouver
Price: $ --

Founded in 1988, our industry leading law firm provides sophisticated cross border and domestic tax, estate planning, immigration and real estate legal services to high net-worth individuals. With offices in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver, Florida, Arizona and California we are located to service all Canadians who wish to enjoy a cross-border lifestyle. We work together with investment advisors, accountants, attorneys, wealth managers and other professionals to develop and implement the best possible tax and estate plan for the client. Cross-border issues require legal expertise from both sides of the border. This would typically require the involvement of two law firms. At Altro LLP, we have both Canadian and US attorneys and notaries on our team to best guide you and implement an appropriate plan in accordance with the laws of the relevant jurisdictions. With 30 years of experience, the team at Altro LLP is consistently delivering a very high level of legal expertise, knowledge, service and professionalism to our clients. Meet our team of professionals who will work with you to optimize your cross border and domestic tax & estate planning.

1918-1030 West Georgia Street Vancouver BC V6E 2Y3


[email protected]
